Wondering How Financial Wellness Can Propel Your Life?
For me it's coaching career professionals, school districts( high schools), colleges/universities, and 6& 7 Figure Business leaders through my signature system, The Career Mompreneur ™ MoneyPro Plan, which focuses on effective money management and the path to getting access to capital!
This 3-Minute MoneyPro Plan will take your current financial situation and give you recommendations to reach Financial Wellness, followed by 4 pillars that make up your Finanical Wellness: Finanical Security, Savings, Debt Management, and Insurance. Grab it for FREE and get started on improving your finances today!
Are you tired of not knowing how to effectively manage your money? Are you stressing over finances, using cash to grow your business, and ready to use "LEVERAGE" also known as capital to grow and scale?
You have heard you should hire a financial coach or join a membership or even a group coaching program. Now you are confused...what should you do to be held accountable when it comes to your personal or business finances?
Never fear...you are EXACTLY in the right place to decide.
As featured in:

I'm Denise Ochigbo,
The Career Mompreneur (TCM), Financial Coach & 15+ Year Corporate Leader!
What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is The Career Mompreneur (TCM), also known as TCM Financial Coaching. A mompreneur is a mother who is also employed or operates a business. A mom executive is a mother who also manages a team of professionals in an organization. They don't have to be a business owner, as many working mothers are building their own personal brands while working for another company.

As a Career Mompreneur, I have found such a sense of fulfillment in my own life as a career woman in Corporate America, Wife, Mom, Fashionista, Finance & Accounting Guru, Marketing Expert, and Entrepreneur.
I work with product and service based entrepreneurs and career professionals who are ready to move from financial stress to financial wellness in both their personal and business finances using my signature system, The MoneyPro Plan, as they navigate the path towards gaining capital to grow their company while also customizing their revenue generation goals.
Ways to Work with TCM Financial Coaching:
What’s Available

Personal Finance:
Budget Jumpstart Program
Are you a career professional and don't know where to start when it comes to effectively budgeting?
This budget jumpstart will help you understand what money is coming in, where it's going, and areas to cut back to stop living check to check!
Get started today!

Personal Finance Accelerator
Tired of making great money, but not building wealth or leaving a legacy for yourself and family?
Our full customized financial coaching program will help you effectively budget, save, mange debt, build personal credit & move to financial wellness within
60 days!

Business Financial Coaching
Access to Capital Readiness Program
Ready to take control of your business finances + get access to capital?
The most comprehensive business + personal finance program inclusive of business budget, financial statements, and financial projections to propel you to get
access to business
capital within 60 days.

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